Weather in Manaus:
The temperature is on average daily min about 21 Celsius (70 F) and max 35 Celsius (95 F).
Rain season is from December to May and dry season from June to November.
In rain season it won’t rain all day, just heavy showers of max 2 hours.

What to bring:
For your tour bring light cloths, hat, walking boots, swimsuit, sun protection and repellent.

We recommend yellow fever vaccination.
We do not recommend Malaria prophylaxis as it harms the body and we operate in black water eco system with very few mosquitoes.

How to book:
Fill reservation form https://manaus.tours/reservation

How to pay:
We appreciate payment at check-in in US$, Euro, Brazilian Real, Amex, Visa or Mastercard.
For groups we appreciate a deposit of 50% and the balance at check-in.
If you want to pay in advance you can pay via bank transfer or Bitcoin.

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